In medical industry labels and laboratory labels, slide labels are a frequently used label type. What characteristics does a qualified slide label need to have? Today Ruilisibo will give you a brief introduction.

Reliable slide labelling is vital in several healthcare and research laboratory settings. Slide labels help to effectively identify, retrieve, and track vital samples. So, durable protection against adverse exposure and the ability to support lasting, long-term identification are essential components. They need to be robust enough to withstand extremes of temperature, reliable enough not to detach from the slide and of course, resistant to often harsh chemicals used in medical research environments

Ruilisibo provides high-quality super solvent-resistant slide labels:Ruilisibo is a trusted supplier of xylene-resistant slide labels, serving a variety of customers to the most stringent standards. We can ensure your labels meet the stringent requirements required while guaranteeing a consistent and reliable service.

Advantages of our slide labels:

1. Chemical resistant labels
Our labels are the ultimate in chemical resistant labels. They can be immersed in solvents such as xylene without the risk of them being lost or losing their overall integrity. They are waterproof, chemical solvent-resistant labels that feature a special adhesive. This ensures they remain in place and don’t create problems in the slide use and storage process.

2. Resistant to extreme temperatures
As well as being solvent resistant, our labels can also cope with the kind of extreme temperatures that are associated with histology and cytology procedures. This might include protocols of fixing tissue sections in ice-cold ethanol, which has a temperature around -78c, boiling water, or baking in an oven, histological staining procedures, or treatment in a microwave.

3. Ease of delivery
It must be print with the B110CU ribbon.This will ensure solvent resistant impressions and print durability. If you’re looking for labels that can be confidently relied upon to withstand your exacting procedures, then we can be depended upon to provide them as they are required.

4. Industry knowledge
We have extensive experience of working with healthcare, research, educational and other establishments that regularly make use of slide labels. As a result, we understand the pressures and unique requirements of our clients. We use robust administrative solutions to ensure that our service is dependable and there when you need it.


Clinical Trial
Biomedical industry

Ruilabels provides labeling solutions, for more information about labelling solutions for your applications, please feel free to contact us.